Saying PowerPoint or Prezi skills equals good presentation skills is like saying good hammering skills equals great carpentry. (Garr Reynolds)
Get your brain in motion
Saying PowerPoint or Prezi skills equals good presentation skills is like saying good hammering skills equals great carpentry. (Garr Reynolds)
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I perfectly agree, great statement. Free your imagination with Prezi, give your audience a multimedia experience and enjoy sharing your vision!
Nowadays we have all the tools necessary to make brilliant presentations and the technologies to distribute them on a worldwide scale and at the speed of thought.
Unfortunately, as Garr infers, having the tools doesn’t necessarily mean that a great presentation will thus result. It is like having eggs but not having the skill to bake the perfect soufflé. :/
In my opinion, I think that software has become too complex and it is too easy to fall into the trap of using wizards to churn out quick and nasty work, that flops like the aforementioned soufflé. People just don’t have the time, patience or inclination to learn how to construct something properly from the ground up. Finally, even if you learn all the intricacies of the programs you still need to have a certain creative streak in you and the ability to think outside the box in order to “wow” your audience and stand out above the crowd.
Ciao for now,
Wait a moment! great presenters are great without technology because of their personality, knowledge and passion. Pianist Fats Waller once said to someone who asked him “what’s jazz?” – If you have to ask, you haven’t got it.
Technology can be used to advantage by presenters provided that a) the subject is of interest to the audience, b) the speaker actually has something to say that is new and/or original and c) that it’s reinforced with graphics (one picture = 1000 words). Remember attention span is no more than 10 minutes, less when talking to executives.