Get your brain in motion

Month: July 2012

How to handle the “Meeting Killers”

Manage or simply participate to a meeting, can sometimes be hard. Colleagues and co-workers can become real “Meeting Killers”. The Wall Street Journal has published an humorous  editorial by Sue Shellenbarger, which provides advices and solutions to handle this situations.

Read the full article at:

What happens in your brain while you multitask?

A study by Zhen Wang and Clifford Nass from Stanford University, analyzes what happens in a brain while a person is multitasking. Multitasking, at first sight, looks very productive and seems the best way to solve several problems at the same time, without ignoring even just one of them.

The study, instead, shows that multitasking decreases brain efficiency and doesn’t help memory and filtering of information. Listening to music, instead isn’t a way of multitasking and can also help the person to be more efficient and concentrated.

Read the full article to “solve your multitasking madness” at:

The Seven Weak Points of a Speech provides a list of the seven main causes that could make a speech uninteresting and boring:

1. Your Introduction Failed to Interest Me
2. One Thought Ran Into The Next
3. You Loaded The Speech With Technical Detail
4. Your Delivery Was Sleep-Inducing
5. You Didn’t Tell Me What You Wanted
6. You Read From Your PowerPoint
7. You Didn’t Manage the Question and Answer Period

Read the full post at: