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Month: December 2012 (Page 2 of 2)

Risk management

The subject of the Diplocalendar 2012 for the month of December is Risk management.

If you don’t manage risk, risk will manage you and the odds are, that risk will win.

“Luck favours the prepared mind” (Louis Pasteur)

More inspiring subjects on Diplocalendar 2012 that explores in both a serious and lighthearted way, some elements of interpersonal relationships and management that can help in daily activities.

10 Leadership Practices to Stop Today

If you want to be the best in your organization, you have to get rid of your outdated management style.

The old  command-and-control leadership is fading in favour of what might be better defined as trust-and-track method, where people are not just told what to do, but why they are doing it.

A culture of engagement leads to greater customer loyalty, and better financial success.

Paul Spiegelman, founder and CEO of BerylHealth, makes a list of  what is “in” and what is “out”

Here are some examples:

1. Out: Micro-management – In: Empowerment
2. Out: Management by walking around the office –  In: Leadership by watching and listening
3. Out: Pretending you know everything – In: Knowing your leadership team members and trusting them.

And many more…

Read this interesting out-in list at:

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