Get your brain in motion

How to do the impossible

“It always seems impossible until its done.” – Nelson Mandela

What does impossible really mean? Is anything truly impossible?

These are things that obviously aren’t impossible, but because either:

  1. So many people have tried and failed, or
  2. No one is brave enough to give it a shot,

they inherit the label “impossible.”

There’s the problem. And the solution, believe it or not, isn’t all that complicated…


  1. fabio

    There is nothing you must not say but sometimes it better not to say too much. As a saying goes, before opening your mouth set in motion your brains.

    I guess commitment is like every other characteristic – in that the more you practice it the easier it becomes.

    It’s amazing how many people will give up on their dreams because they are “impossible”. When you commit 100% to something it is amazing how the impossible becomes probable.

    (from 7 Summits Club)

  2. enzzzoo

    Impossible is only a word that is abused by people who don’t want responsibilities and prefer to shirk work. It is the word that is used as an excuse to avoid failure but it is a doubled edged sword because it also means that success is what actually becomes impossible.

    Two quotes come to mind that show us why the word impossible should be struck out of our vocabulary…and they both refer to that magical human quality called creativity.

    ~ “Your illogical approach to chess does have its advantages on occasion, Captain.” Star Trek – “Charlie X” episode 1966 Spock to Kirk

    For those who know the original Star Trek series, remember how Doctor Spock was always mystified by Captain Kirk’s ability to think beyond the limitations of logic. To prevail over the word “impossible” you have to let go of rationale, fear and even the laws of physics. When we clear our minds of obstacles and allow it to drift into a dreamlike state then everything is possible…just add a splash of overwhelming passion to fuel your journey beyond the impossible.

    ~ “If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.” Walt Disney