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Creativity for Managers

The idea that Creativity is needed only by artists and dreamers is long gone. Nowadays managers are aware that to run a business, an administration, an office a lot of skills are required: flexibility, intuition, vision, inventiveness. In one word what managers need is Creativity.

Hubert Jaoui understood that almost thirty years ago and is spending his life explaining to others what creativity is and how useful it can be.

Here is an interesting definition by Hubert Jaoui:

Creativity is neither imagination, nor the opposite of rationality: it is a multi-logical approach

A lot of interesting demonstrations of how Creativity is an essential tool for managers can be found on the site:, e.g. the 6 pillars of management: human behaviour, motivation, delegation, time management, creativity.


image source: Mr Fish in

1 Comment

  1. fabio

    On each occasion every day, we must develop our creativity to overcome obstacles large and small. The more important the postis, the greater mental flexibility is required to deal with everyday life. curiosity, critical spirit, dissatisfaction, independence of judgment and the need for order and success, are the essential elements of a creative personality, that is no longer just an artistic feature, as it has been rightly detected. Creativity has been studied for more than twenty years. 2009 was the European Year of Creativity and Innovation (EYCI).