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Month: August 2013 (Page 2 of 2)

The good listener

If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two tongues and one ear.” Mark Twain

Listening is not the same as hearing: in order to listen effectively you need to use more than just your ears. The 10 principles to become a good listener are:

1. Stop talking
2. Prepare yourself to listen
3. Put the speaker at ease
4. Remove distractions
5. Empathise
6. Be patient
7. Avoid personal prejudice
8. Listen to the tone
9. Listen for ideas – not just words
10. Wait and watch for non-verbal communication

image source: Lysh Thinks

From the “I have a dream” speech to Steve Jobs’ iPhone launch, all great presentations have a common architecture. In this talk, Nancy Duarte draws lessons on how to make a powerful call-to-action. (Filmed at TEDxEast.)

Top Five Reasons People Fear Being A Leader

Top Five Reasons People Fear Being A Leader written by Denis G. Mclaughlin, President of Leadership GPS, is an interesting article concerning  fear.

Denis G. Mclaughlin tells us that being afraid is one of the benefits and at the same time detriments to the human condition. For example, this is a good thing when it protects us from making harmful mistakes; on the other side, it is a bad thing when it prevents us from achieving success to our full capability.

Accepting the responsibility of leadership is one of those fears that some have developed over their years of experience.

After this he provides us the top five reasons some fear being a leader:

  1. I am afraid to fail
  2. I have failed before
  3. I am not a born leader
  4. I don’t know enough about leader
  5. I don’t know everything my team does

Read the full article at:

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