Today, having a mile-long daily to-do list is not so difficult and rare!

Everyone is busy, and sometimes it seems so hard to get things done efficiently and effectively, not only at work but also in private life.

However, the busier you are, the most important is to manage your life and time to be more productive and not to waste your precious time. Actually, what is really important is to know how to start and how to create the space to give your best.

And following the 10 tips below by Lifehack, you could be able to do your things better!

1. Write It Down.
2. Get a Head Start.
3. Do Your Most Dreadead Task First.
4. Turn Off Distractions.
5. Take Breaks.
6. Batch Process.
7. Eat Breakfast.
8. Get Some Exercise.
9. Delegate.
10. Say No.

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