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EQ: what goes above and beyond IQ

People usually take IQ as an infallible benchmark to judge individuals’ smartness. Well, in 1990, the concept of “Emotional Quotient – EQ” was firstly introduced unveiling a new world about interpersonal skills and their importance. While IQ is hard to improve, enhancing our EQ is not only possible but fully recommended.

Here are 5 key points suggested by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic:

1. Your level of EQ is firm, but not rigid;
2. Good coaching programs do work;
3. But you can only improve if you get accurate feedback;
4. Some techniques (and coaches) are more competent than others;
5. Some people are more coachable than others.



1 Comment

  1. Patti Janega

    Definitely worth reading and following the additional sites to read