Public diplomacy is increasingly challenged by the transformative power of technology and the swift pace of digital progress: an effective online communication needs a careful and creative use of social medias. The UN foundation and the Digital Diplomacy Coalition have dealt with this subject at the end of October by hosting a half-day conference attended by people from all over the world, connected through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Livestream. Eight key – pieces of advice emerged throughout the conversation:

1) Meet people where they are, using multiple platforms to reach different audiences.
2) Listen: don’t just put out your messages, involve your audience.
3) Build a network of networks: a stronger community means a better exchange.
4) Tell stories: data are important but reaching the emotional level is crucial.
5) Tell your stories visually, images make words more powerful.
6) Be authentic, be accurate: being credible is even more important then being fast.
7) Engage your leadership to be active on line, thus helping to shape a social-media–friendly organization.
8) Spur action: specific and relevant reaction means your communication has been really effective.

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