Power is the ability to change the status quo.
– Anonymous
Image source: Wikimedia commons
Get your brain in motion
Cartoon by Diplofoundation (Concept Diplosor, Illustration: Veljasevic)
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.
William Ernest Henley, from the Poem Invictus – Echoes of Life and Death
Image Source: Flickr – SalFalko
Proposed by: Omar Appolloni
For today’s professionals, true fulfilment comes from much more than simply doing a good job. A sense of purpose, collaboration, and impact are key drivers for the modern workforce. According to a recent survey by Thomson Reuters,
1) 70% of professionals would prefer a job they enjoy, compared to 29% who would prefer a job that pays well;
2) 56% prefer to work for a company that makes a positive impact on the world, even if it doesn’t pay as well;
3) more than 50% of all professionals prefer a challenging work environment.
For more evidence see http://bit.ly/1ftrbu5
Image source: Flickr – sidewalk flying
Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. Benjamin Franklin
Image source: Flickr – elycefeliz
Proposed by: Ruben Caruccio
In his Ted Talk Alain de Botton examines our ideas of success and failure — and questions the assumptions underlying these two judgments.
“The problem is if you really believe in a society where those who merit to get to the top, get to the top, you’ll also, by implication … believe in a society where those who deserve to get to the bottom also get to the bottom and stay there.”
Persuading is a key communication skill that helps you to achieve influence with others. The ability to persuade can be developed and improved in order to become a better negotiator.
The article is meant to help you find the best negotiation approach to use on the base of your level of intuition and your influencing capabilities. The psychologist Kenneth Berrien elaborated the so called Persuasion Tolls Model.
In his studies of applied psychology in the 1940s, Berrien linked negotiation and persuasion style to emotional intelligence (EI).
According to the model, four negotiation approaches exist:
– emotion
– logic
– bargaining
– compromise.
Find out what your Right Negotiation Style is: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCS_80.htm
Image source: Diplofoundation
An effective team is much more than a group of people who are put together to accomplish a goal. Here a list of the purpose and benefits of working with other people to achieve agreed goals and objectives:
Team Building is a process that requires due attention and care. So care needs to be taken to go through all the development stages so that troubles and setbacks are avoided.
Vision The teams need to spend some time exploring and understanding what the purpose and vision of the team is. They then need to set goals and objectives so that it helps the team stay focused on their objectives and to be on track.
Managing Conflict Conflict can be an inevitable consequence of working with other people. Opinions, values, styles, and a lot of other issues lead to disagreements within the team. But all disagreements need to be considered carefully and given thought, which will help the team run effectively.
Roles and Structure Each member of the team work differently, think differently and this difference when put together in the team maximises team performance. Also it has to be made sure that the right people are employed in the right role.
Team and Member Development No matter what role a person plays in a team, or what tasks he or she has been assigned to, there is almost always room for personal improvement. When the individuals on a team are functioning at high capacity, the team itself flourishes.
Understanding and Cooperation When we consider a successful team, all the members of team work in the same direction towards the same goal and work for the same purpose.
When priorities and goals differ or diverge from what is required of, unnecessary stress and tensions appear within the team.
Image source: http://www.therisinghollywood.com
The Diplocalendar 2014 realised by S. Baldi and E. Gelbstein is dedicated to “Cybersecurity: Guidelines for diplomats” and is based on the assumption that “Cyberspace is inherently insecure“.
For the month of March the attention is drawn on “Antivirus”
The set of images used in the Diplocalendar 2014 can also be consulted on Slideshare.
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