Jacquelyn Smith has published a post on Business insider about the 10 Things Successful People Do On Friday Afternoon.

Here is her list:
1. They reflect on their accomplishments from the week.
2. They figure out their priorities for the following week.
3. They establish a schedule and to-do list for the following week.
4. They carve out downtime for the following week.
5. They get organized.
6. They let people know how accessible they’ll be that weekend.
7. They think about their weekend plans.
8. They plan a fun Friday activity.
9. They acknowledge others’ accomplishments and hard work.
10. They say goodbye to people around the office.

To read the full article: http://www.businessinsider.com/successful-people-do-friday-afternoon-2014-5

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Image source: Flickr tec_estromberg(CC BY 2.0)