Get your brain in motion

Month: November 2014 (Page 1 of 2)

Defeat and Victory

Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.

Muhammad Ali




Image source: Pixabay by OpenClips

Soft skills: the new asset for “digital” workers

In the current labour market, deeply modified by social integration and economic and cultural globalization, the development of soft skills — skills that are more social than technical— is a crucial part of fostering a dynamic workforce. These skills can be gained from past jobs, responsibilities, life experiences and personal interests. They can be even hidden and, when identified, they can help people become better contenders in job search as well as in the daily-working activities.

International researches have made a list of skills a person should have to compete successfully in the global economy of the 21st century:

  • Creativity/innovation
  • Critical thinking
  • Information literacy
  • Problem solving
  • Decision making
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Learning to learn
  • Research and inquiry
  • Communication
  • Initiative and self direction
  • Productivity
  • Leadership and responsibility
  • Collaboration
  • ICT operations and concepts
  • Digital Citizenship

For the full study by David Finegold and Alexis Spencer Notarbartolo on the impact of 21st century competencies click here


Image source: Flickr by Yoel Ben-Avraham – CC BY-ND 2.0 

Post by: Omar Appolloni

10 must-see movies

Movies can be an important source of inspiration and motivation.

In this article, John Rampton has selected 10 movies which can teach us some useful lessons for work as well as private life.

Among them:

– “The social network” which shows the importance of flexibility and resilience

– “Citizen Kane” by Orson Welles which stresses what is really important in life

– “The pursuit of happiness” which highlights that passion and sacrifice are parts of success

– “Jerry Maguire” which pushes us to believe in our dreams and follow them.



Image source: Pixabay by OpenClips

Things to do before bedtime

Every day is a new challenge.

To get the most of each working hour, Matthew Toren suggests that these 5 things to do before going to sleep will increase our productivity:

1 Take a look at the calendar

2 Get the gym bag ready

3 Turn off the phone

4 Write in your journal

5 Read a real book

Read the full article here.


Image source: Pixabay by Nemo

Getting more from your leadership than your technical skills

Scott Eblin, speaker and author of “The Next Level”, in his post on Govexec writes that, at some point in your career, your leadership skills need to trump your technical skills if you want to make the biggest possible impact. Eblin represents this in a simple graph: the higher you rise in leadership, the leverage in getting higher achievements comes from spending less time on your technical skills and more time exercising your leadership abilities. Here is a list of high “leadership intensive” activities he has collected by asking his readers to give their answer to this question: “What is it, given the leadership role that you are in, that only you can do?”.

  • Set the vision
  • Develop my people
  • Get the right people on the team
  • Allocate resources
  • Establish priorities
  • Build the relationships we need to get stuff done
  • Provide air cover
  • Share perspective and information with the team
  • Keep key people informed about what we are doing
  • Knock down barriers
  • Keep us focused on the plan
  • Monitor and measure progress

Read the full article here.


Image source: Wikimedia Commons

Post by: Ugo Ferrero

Define yourself

When she was in high school, Lizzie Velazquez – a young woman affected by a syndrome which prevents her from gaining weight – was targeted by bullies for her outer appearance. They put on Youtube a video of Lizzie titled “World’s Ugliest Woman”.

Even if it was not easy, Lizzie managed to react positively and overcome this cruelty. Showing strength and determination she is progressively defining herself reaching her goals. She graduated, she is now a motivator and a writer.

In the TEDX linked below she affirms: “I am going to let my goals and my success and my accomplishments define me, not my outer appearance”.

In the video Lizzie gives us an important lesson on how positive attitude, clear vision and perseverance can help us reach success and react to obstacles in our lives.

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