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Month: March 2015 (Page 2 of 2)

Being diplomatic at work

Mary Wroblewski, in her article How to become a diplomatic employee published by The Global Post, suggests 9 steps to reach such an ambitious goal.

Step 1 – Listen carefully and respectfully to your co-workers, especially those whose ideas differ from your own.

Step 2 – Refrain from criticizing your coworkers. If you disagree with a coworker about an idea or decision, don’t tell him you think he’s wrong or question his competence.

Step 3 – Avoid participating in workplace gossip or other behaviors that might pit one side of the workplace against another.

Step 4 – Demonstrate compassion, support and encouragement to coworkers who disagree with a particular strategy or agenda.

Step 5 – Build a consensus by soliciting feedback and ideas.

Step 6 – Recognize when conditions deteriorate and take proactive measures.

Step 7 – Maintain your composure when tempers flare.

Step 8 – Acknowledge your mistakes when they occur.

Step 9 – Share credit with others for accomplishments.

Read here the full article:

6231641551_541c96e583Image source: Flickr – highersights (CC. by 2.0)

To lead or not to lead?

There is a vast literature on successful leadership and the right skills to be a leader, but what makes a poor leader?

In an article by Bernard Marr on the World Economic Forum Blog, the author has identified the eight signs a person might not be ready for a leadership position:

  1. Lack of empathy;
  2. Fear of change;
  3. Too willing to compromise;
  4. Too bossy;
  5. Wishy – washy;
  6. Poor judge of character;
  7. Out of balance;
  8. Lack of humility.

Read the full article here.












Image source: Flickr – Riley and Amos (CC BY 2.0)

Rank & Responsibility

The Diplo calendar 2015 realized by Stefano Baldi and Ed Gelbstein presents a selection of the wisdom accumulated by humanity over the centuries that has stood the test of time and remains as valid as ever. The hope is that it will inspire you and lead you to explore the thoughts of the people who in one way or another have changed human history for the better .

For the month of March the selected quotation is by Peter Drucker (1909-2005) – Management consultant, educator and author, author of several books on management and a leader in establishing management education.


Photo credit: Stuart Mudie (CC BY-SA 2.0)


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