Get your brain in motion

Month: June 2015 (Page 1 of 2)

Working hours and quality of time

Reducing working hours can be good for productivity? Economists have suspected it for some time: with higher working hours labour output per hour would fall. The number of working hours is not what matters. Rather, it’s the quality of your time and effort that drives success.

But working less and accomplishing more is not easy. Innovation, creativity, time management are your best allies. Micha Kaufman, Internet entrepreneur, in his article on Forbes suggests 10 Tips to work less and accomplish more:

  1. Have two computers, one for work and one for play;
  2. Being productive is impossible if you are not at your best;
  3. Hear your favorite tunes;
  4. Work nice with others;
  5. Love your to do lists;
  6. Take a break;
  7. Reduce the noise;
  8. Love your job or leave it;
  9. Recharge your batteries
  10. At some point just stop.

3281131319_680396f345_zImage source: Flickr – Matt Gibson – (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Be a better leader, have a richer life

Stewart Friedman, in his book Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life argues that leadership in business cannot be merely about business anymore: it has to be about life as a whole.

The purpose of Total Leadership is to improve performance at work, at home, in the community, and for the private self (mind, body, spirit) by creating mutual value among these four life domains, to produce what he calls “four-way wins”.

Friedman explains how three simple principles can help to become a better leader and have a richer life.

  • Be real: act with authenticity by clarifying what’s important
  • Be whole: act with integrity by respecting the whole person
  • Be innovative: act with creativity by experimenting with how things get done

3763861311_516b54efac_zImage source: Flickr – kevint3141 – (CC BY 2.0)

Go Back to the Basics!

The innovation expert Jeff De Graff, in his article published by Huffington Post, describes the New Rules of Innovation.

Go back to the basics. That is the imperative of radical innovation. As founded by some economic studies, radical innovations consistently generate more positive performance outcomes than incremental innovations. As a consequence, sometimes a brand new radical approach may be the best winning card to break through situations. The article shows how this basic and even foregone assumption is able to cherish change. By way of summary, the challenge is having the courage to break old rules.

Read here the full article

Scudo, Dinamica, Innovazione, Innovativo, Carriera

Image Source: Pixabay – geralt – (CC0)


The three classes of intellects

There are three classes of intellects: one which comprehends by itself; another which appreciates what others comprehend; and a third which neither comprehends by itself nor by the showing of others; the first is the most excellent, the second is good, and the third is useless.
Niccolò Machiavelli: The Prince, chapter 22.


File:Santi di Tito - Niccolo Machiavelli's portrait headcrop.jpg

Source: Wikimedia (public domain)

While some workplace stress is normal, excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and impact your physical and emotional health. And your ability to deal with it can mean the difference between success or failure.

You can’t control everything in your work environment, but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless—even when you’re stuck in a difficult situation. Finding ways to manage workplace stress isn’t about making huge changes or rethinking career ambitions, but rather about focusing on the one thing that’s always within your control: you.

This article of provides some useful tips:


Image source: Flickr – bottled_void – (CC BY 2.0)

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