A 2013 survey commissioned by the John Templeton Foundation stressed the importance of gratitude and its benefits in the workplace. Workers feel better when someone thanks them and their mood improves when they thank other workers. Despite this, workers are not very good at expressing gratitude to their colleagues.

A manager can make a real difference by modelling gratitude: according to the Templeton survey 81% of respondents would work harder for a more grateful boss. Here are some tips for how to make your workplace a thankful one:

1. ‘Catch’ your employees doing something right;

2. Be specific and authentic;

3. Recognise that your success as a manager is largely due to the hard work of your team;

4. Help your employees be the best they can by providing them with the training and tools they need;

5. Encourage gratitude sharing within your team;

6. Keep a gratitude journal.

Read more here.


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