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Month: November 2016

Leadership: Ten lessons from Steve Jobs

Leadership is an important function of management which helps to maximize efficiency and to achieve organizational goals.

All successful organizations and businesses need effective leaders.

The leadership of effective and well trained leaders is paramount to providing an agreed upon goal for the company’s success. Leaders are invaluable when it comes to formulating and communicating new strategic directions, as well as communicating with and motivating employees to increase dedication to organizational goals.

Ongoing leadership skills training is essential to making sure that leaders are on the right track.

In this article, there are some tips provided by Steve Jobs, founder of Apple and iconic leader, who invented the Macintosh computer for the masses and started a revolution of the idea  of the smart information technologies.

Under the watch of Steve Jobs, Apple was one of the most successful companies in history.

His beliefs set him apart from Western leaders and allowed him to focus on vision rather than reality. Spirituality combined with intensity allowed him to “think different” or imagine a new order of things. The “think different” philosophy embraces the need for simplication, innovation, confidence, collaboration, rebellion.

The 10 Lessons of Steve Jobs are excerpts from Walter Isaacson’s, “The Real Lessons of Steve Jobs,” published in the Harvard Business Review, April 2012.

Read more.




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Reason vs empathy in a presidential election

According to the conventional wisdom, a good candidate in an election must be able to care about the problems and needs of people. Despite that, it’s not clear whether empathy really matters much to voters.

Although the capacity to sympathize with others’ suffering is often considered an essential virtue, some social psychologists assert that empathy may not be such a great quality in a leader.

Is empathy overrated as a guide for public leadership?

In his article published by the New York Times, John Tierney reports the point of view of different researchers on this subject.

On the one end, critics affirm that empathy is biased and parochial, it’s innumerate and it can be manipulated to inspire aggression. According to this view, “the best leaders have a certain enlighted aloofness”.

On the other hand, empathy is considered something that we can control and “it affords us opportunities to build more diverse and powerful social connections, and take control of our emotional lives”.

Notwithstanding this optimistic view of human nature, voters may at the end prefer reason to empathy.

Read more here.


Image source: Flickr – Matt Brown -(CC BY 2.0)




The Diplo calendar 2016 realized by Stefano Baldi and Ed Gelbstein presents a selection of quotes from the Classical World for living and working better.

For the month of November the selected quotation is by Zeuxis, Greek painter who flourished during the 5th century BC.

Criticism comes easier than craftsmanship

Calendar 2016 Festival_im_Page_14

Photo credit: Ed Gelbstein (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)