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Month: December 2016

Leading a team like an alpha wolf

Great leaders recognize that, like it or not, humans are animals. This is why to be great leaders we can learn a lot from the alpha wolf.

In this article by Eric Shiffer there are listed five main abilities we can learn from alpha wolves:

  1. Be a master communicator. Like wolves use their howl to keep their pack synced, leaders must be good communicators in order to become great leaders;
  2. Buil the pack to mass. Like in a wolf pack, attracting more talented members who embrace your mission and values will make everyone want to contribute more for the group;
  3. Go predator on them. In a wolf pack you work as one to hunt food. Equally a great leader must show his team that by working together to hunt your prey you can survive another day;
  4. Track down your beta. In a wolf pack beta wolf reminds all that alpha is the king. A great leader needs a great number two;
  5. Value your omegas. In a wolf pack lowest-ranking wolves have an important role as safety valve and in absorbing the stress of the pack. Front-line employees play the same role. This is why a great leader must trust and support them.



Image source: Gray Wolf Maya – Wikimedia Commons

Good actions

The Diplo calendar 2016 realized by Stefano Baldi and Ed Gelbstein presents a selection of quotes from the Classical World for living and working better.

For the month of December the selected quotation is by Plato, Greek philosopher, as well as mathematician. He is considered an essential figure in the development of philosophy, especially the Western tradition.

Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others

Calendar 2016 Festival_im_Page_15

Photo credit: Shelly (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)