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Month: May 2017

How to Build Good Habits

Recent surveys and studies reveal that successful people have one thing in common: successful habits. Productivity experts affirm in this article that half of our days are predetermined by habits. For this reason having good habits is essential to help reaching success.

But how to build a good habit?

Here are the top strategies and tactics suggested by the experts:

  1. Start small, break it down into smaller chunks
  2. Do it consistently, don’t break the chain
  3. Have a plan, prepare in advance
  4. Use an accountability buddy
  5. Reward yourself
  6. Write down your desired habits
  7. Track your progress
  8. Be specific, clear about the habit you want to build
  9. Make sure your habit is doable, realistic
  10. Use reminders


Image source: FlickrWin_Photography (CC BY 2.0)



Non-financial motivators

In the article  “8 Ways Leaders Can Motivate Employees Beyond Money”, the author affirms that non-financial motivators may be more effective in the long term than financial incentives.

Based on a McKinsey survey, the author then provides the following 8 principles, which can be very useful when money is in short supply or when a financial incentive is not available:

  1. Energize your team
  2. There’s more to life than work
  3. Put your people first
  4. Act with integrity
  5. Be a great communicator
  6. Be a great listener
  7. Be a problem solver
  8. Lead through experience and competence, not through title or position


Image source: Flickrairpix  (CC BY 2.0)

Know your worth, and then ask for it

“No one will ever pay you what you’re worth. They’ll only ever pay you what they think you’re worth” Casey Brown, an affirmed pricing consultant, affirms in this TED Talk.

According to her, clearly defining and communicating your value are essential to being paid well for your excellence. At first you should define the value that your clients get from working with you and you should communicate it.

These are the two elements to realizing our full earning potential. 

How to transform Tech-Resistant Learners into eLearning lovers

Motivation is the secret to transform Tech-Resistant Learners into eLearning enthusiasts. In this article Christopher Pappas, founder of the largest online community of professionals involved in the eLearning Industry, share 7 tips on how to work with learners who are less-than enthusiastic about interactive eLearning, mobile-friendly online courses, and other tech-centric eLearning resources.

  1. Be clear about expectations and goals
  2. Offer a demo
  3. Encourage group collaboration
  4. Stress the benefit up front
  5. Showa proven track record
  6. Ask for their feedback
  7. Introduce the eLearning strategy slowly and steadily

For more articles on eLearning:

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Image source: FlickrFeliciano Guimarães (CC BY 2.0)