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Month: July 2017

Eight Steps to End Procrastination

An article from Website Designs looked at how to end procrastination

Here are 8 small suggestions to follow.

1. Change Your Perception

2. Let Go of Fear

3. Split Up the Project

4. Just Get Started

5. Talk About It Publicly

6. Work In Short Periods

7. Ask for Accountability

8. Reward Yourself

If you want to read more, see the full article  


Image source: Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

10 Challenges When You Are In Charge

Jacob Shriar on the Blog business2community highlights the 10 main challenges you will face when you are assigned to a managerial position.

It can be tough to adjust to this new role and potentially new environment, the first piece of advice is to understand that it’s normal to be nervous.

Here are 10 challenges that you will face to motivate the employees under you:

  1. Failure to Set Clear Goals and Expectations.
  2. Poor Time Management.
  3. Unclear or Inconsistent Communication.
  4. Pressure To Perform.
  5. Shifting From Coworker To Boss.
  6. Hiring.
  7. Firing.
  8. Solving Other People’s Problems.
  9. Getting The Team To Be Productive.
  10. Not Asking For Help.

The key is to change your mindset and get into a new way of approaching work.

Read the entire article here

Image source: Pixabay (CC0)


Monotony is the law of nature. Look at the monotonous manner in which the sun rises. The monotony of necessary occupations is exhilarating and life giving.

Mahatma Gandhi (Young India, 18 August 1921, p. 262)


Image source: Pixabay (CC0)

5 key questions to ask before a meeting

Everyone has taken part to some meetings that proved to be a waste of precious time and energies.

In order to avoid attending pointless meetings that will lead to nowhere, it is important to be capable of identifying such events in advance.

Here are five questions by Paul Newton that “one should always ask himself before attending a meeting”:

1. What is its aim?
2. Does it have a timed agenda?
3. Are the communications clear?
4. Will it be well managed?
5. Is the chair effective?

Read the full article:

Image source: Pixabay (CC0)

Tips for public speaking

Interested in public speaking? Laura Vanderkam, writer and speaker, on Fastcompany suggests some useful tips to engage the audience. Above all:

1. Don’t try to mentally ridicule your audience to get confidence. Simply be focused on the message instead.

2. Don’t think you’ll lose spontaneity if you rehearse. Rehearse to someone instead helps confidence, and confidence helps spontaneity.

3. Starting with a joke is risky to engage the audience. An anecdote is easier to tell and works better.

4. Don’t try to involve the audience anyway. Treat them like professionals.

5. Slides? Not Always. Many speakers give a better talk without.

6. Cutting charts and formulas not always works: numbers and charts may be of real help if clear.

7. Copy the pros? Be yourself instead: you’ll look more naturale and credible.

Image source: Pixabay (CC0)