Get your brain in motion

Month: August 2017

Do you know how to be successful in life?

It is very important to take in mind that in order to be successful and taking charge of your career is not sufficient studying and finishing school.

A real “leader” is always sure of himself and goes on and faces adversities even if is not simple and there are many obstacles, which apparently seem impossible to overcome.

Here are some suggestions from the article 12 lessons you learn or regret forever:

  1. Have confidence in yourself. Confidence comes first!But remember: Successful people often exude confidence, but it isn’t their success that makes them confident. The confidence was there first.
  2. Success in life depends on you. No one can force you to make decisions and take actions that run contrary to your values and aspirations. Do not believe in destiny. You create your destiny.
  3. Being busy does not equal being productive
    It not necessary to work many hours. What counts, is the quality of what you produce. Do no forget it!
  4. You’reonly as good as those you associate with
  5. Don’t say yes unless you really want to
  6. Squash your negative self-talk
  7. Avoid asking “what if?”
    Do not think too much about what could have happened if…
  8. Schedule exercise and sleep
    It is fundamental to plan and organize you job. Do not come at the last moment!
  9. Seek out small victories
  10. Don’t seek perfection
  11. Focus on solutions
  12. Forgive yourself


Image source: Flickr – thinkpublic  (CC BY-ND 2.0) 

Setting Your Vision and Defining Your Goals

The book ‘Setting Your Vision and Defining Your Goals’ will guide you through the process of establishing your personal mission statement that helps provide clarity and a sense of purpose. How do you want to live? What impact to you want to make? What do you value?

Creating a personal vision statement can be an incredibly rewarding activity. In an age when people rush from one task to another, crafting a vision requires that we slow down and take time for self-reflection and care.

Many successful companies operate by a mission statement written to embody the core values and goals of the company. Similarly, a carefully crafted vision statement will become the roadmap for your life.



Image source: FlickrJakub Hlavaty  (CC BY-SA 2.0) 

Executives Handling Confidential Information

The article “Inside the Executive Suite” published by Armada Corporate Intelligence features how to handle confidential information.

1.Market-Moving and Insider Information

The first element to consider is whether we are dealing with legally relevant information. In case of positive answer, confidentialty is strictly required.

2.Handling Business Strategy

Be particularly careful if you deal with information that your organization does not want disclosed because it changes the business and competitive environments, typically for the worse.

3.When You Can’t Say, or Don’t Know

The golden rule is to never lie to people. One way to do so is to use a non-committal response, in order to protect your reputation and prevent you from lying.

To know more read the full article.









Image source: Pixabay (CC0)

A World Without Oil

The future will be without oil.

In this engaging TED talk, Rob Hopkins, proposes a unique solution to this problem, the Transition response, where we prepare ourselves for life without oil and sacrifice our luxuries to build systems and communities that are completely independent of fossil fuels. 


Image source: FlickrImseong Kang (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Listen and win

Do you need some tips how to become the best leader? Or  you are simply tired of fighting with your partner?

These are the 7 indispensable secrets than can change your personal and professional life:

  1. Stop ignoring people;
  2. Stop faking it;
  3. Stop controlling people;
  4. Stop projecting;
  5. Respect your fellow human;
  6. Empathize with your fellow human;
  7. Use generative listening.

Read more at: The Mojo Company


Image source: FlickrKy  (CC BY 2.0)