Get your brain in motion

Month: May 2019

10 Tips On Getting the Most Out of Business Meetings

Not only does a company waste valuable time and money conducting business meetings that don’t produce results but employees will begin to loathe attending these functions.

Here are 10 suggestions on how to get the most out of business gatherings by Stan Popovich:

1. Know what you want to accomplish. Write down a list of goals you want accomplished before your meeting and then present this to the attending members.

2. Develop a plan. Ccreate a plan on how you will communicate your goals.

3. Write a one-page summary of your meeting. Hand out a one-page summary of the major points that you want to cover during your meeting to everyone.

4. Make sure you stay on topic. If the meeting isn’t going anywhere or someone is off on a tangent, politely circle back to the important topic that needs to be addressed.

5. Ask the right questions. Write a list of questions that relates to your current business concerns.

6. Encourage participation. Create a friendly atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions.

7. Determine a timeline. Make sure you have specific deadlines of when you would like your objectives to get accomplished.

8. Don’t leave the meeting right away. Don’t just finish your presentation and then leave.

9. Learn from your mistakes. Learn how to improve your company’s business meetings by reviewing past presentations.

10. Change things up. Add some variety to your meetings and do not do the same thing all of the time.


Image: Pixabay  – GraphicMama-team (CC0 Creative Commons)

10 Ergonomics Tips

Ergonomics is the science of designing the workstation to fit within the capabilities and limitations of the worker, in order to design office work station so that it fits the worker and allows for a comfortable working environment for maximum productivity and efficiency.

An ergonomically correct office work station will help avoid fatigue and discomfort.

This article, provides simple tips to avoid fatigue and significantly improve office work station:

1)    Make sure that the weight of your arms is supported at all times.

2)    Watch your head position, and try to keep the weight of your head directly above its base of support (neck).

3)    Use the lumbar support of your chair and avoid sitting in a way that places body weight more on one than on the other.

4)    The monitor should be placed directly in front of you, with the top no higher than eye level. The keyboard should be directly in front of the monitor.

5)    Talking on the phone with the phone receiver jammed between the neck and ear is really bad practice.

6)    The keyboard and the mouse should be close enough to prevent excessive reaching which strains the shoulders and arms.

7)    Avoid eye strain by making sure that your monitor is not too close, it should be at least an arm’s length away.

8)    Take steps to control screen glare, and make sure that the monitor is not placed in front of a window or a bright background.

9)    You can rest your eyes periodically for several seconds by looking at objects at a distance.

10) The feet should not be dangling when you are seated.

Image: PixabaySkitterphoto (CC0 Creative Commons)

7 Tips for the Best Sleep Ever

The fact the good sleep is a key factor for an healthy life, while a chronic lack of sleep  ups your odds of diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease, even weight gain is well known.

If you have tried everything without effective results, try these unexpected tweaks, and wake up feeling incredibly well-rested!

  1. Avoid caffeine and similar substances after 2pm
  2. Choose snooze-friendly foods for dinner
  3. Avoid alchoolic drinks after 10pm
  4. Avoid hot bath/shower right before going to bed
  5. Try a little gentle, restorative yoga before going to bed
  6. Install low-watt lamps in your bedroom
  7. Turn off your smartphone one hour before going to bed

Here you will find the full article.

Image: FlickrDomenico Salvagnin   (CC BY 2.0) 

Success, failure and how to manage them

In this TED talk, Elizabeth Gilbert reflects on why success can be as disorienting as failure and offers a simple way to carry on, regardless of outcomes.

That is because there are strange and unlikely psychological connection between the way we experience great failure and the way we experience great success. Indeed failure catapults us abruptly way out into the blinding darkness of disappointment, while success catapults us just as abruptly into the equally blinding glare of fame and recognition and praise.

And while one of these fates is objectively seen by the world as bad, and the other one is objectively seen by the world as good, our subconscious is completely incapable of discerning the difference between bad and good. The only thing that it is capable of feeling is the absolute value of this emotional equation.

In both cases the remedy for self-restoration is the same: find our way back home again, as swiftly and smoothly as we can.

 But what is “home”? That might be creativity, it might be family, it might be invention, adventure, faith, service. Home is that thing to which we can dedicate our energies with such singular devotion that the ultimate results become inconsequential.

Image: Pixabay  (CC0 Creative Commons)

Stay focus

The Diplo calendar 2019 realized by Stefano Baldi presents a selection of quotes for better living and better working.

All the quotes are about animals and their behaviours, their instincts and the complexity of their social dynamics.

Here is the selected quotation for the month of May

If you chase two rabbits you will not catch either one ,
Russian Proverb