Get your brain in motion

Month: June 2019

Look at the stars

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.
It matters that you don’t just give up.”

Stephen Hawking


Image: Pixabay (CC0 – Creative Commons)

Top Productivity Secrets – Master Class

Productivity is probably one of the most commonly used words today.

All of us are looking for ways to improve, increase, hack or boost our productivity, whether that may be in the workplace or overall lives.

Articles are constantly being published and appearing on our newsfeeds on the latest secret to increasing our productivity.

Yet in all this mayhem we can end up feeling overwhelmed, not knowing which tips to implement. And we end up not doing anything at all.

In this free Masterclass, Niklas Goeke provides actionable tips that we can adopt in our everyday lives to improve our productivity without having to turn everything upside down. It’s all about small steps!

Click here to sign up to the Master Class (did I mention it is free?): Master Productivity – 14 Day Course


Image: Pixabay (CC0 – Creative Commons)

The Best Schedule Management Tips

Here are 20 Schedule and Calendar Management Tips that can help you meet all those deadlines and never have to ask for more time again!

  1. Review. Then review again
  2. One event-free day a week
  3. Schedule meetings ASAP
  4. Use meeting scheduling tools
  5. Follow up
  6. Use reminders
  7. Add another time zone
  8. Import all your calendars
  9. Only meet for as long as you need to
  10. Say “no” to fact gathering or update meetings
  11. In fact, just say “No”
  12. Start on time and skip the roll call
  13. Meeting conflicts
  14. Cancel it
  15. Batch meetings on your calendar
  16. Color-code your calendar
  17. Schedule time in your calendar for email
  18. When is your productive peak?
  19. Do you REALLY need to meet?
  20. Fin time in your schedule with time-tracking tools

To learn more about each of these tips, read the full article!

20 Brilliant Calendar & Schedule Management Tips

Office, Business, Paperwork, Document, Laptop, Agenda

Image: Pixabay (CC0 Creative Commons)

In this really interesting TED talk, Knut Haanaes talks about the importance for both companies and individuals of striking the right balance between exploration and exploitation.

Exploration means being open to new things, adopting an innovative approach and always trying to renew oneself.

Exploitation means using the knowledge and know-how that we already possess to ameliorate ourselves, our products, our services.

Though exploitation may seem like a safer option, it only reduces risk in the short term. Though exploration may seem like the best option in the fast-paced world we are living in, veering too far off from certainty can lead to failure and loss.

Finding the right balance between these two attitudes is difficult because there are many traps that keep us where we are; two traps in particular can determine failure:

  • The perpetual search trap
  • The success trap

To learn more about these two traps and how to avoid them, listen to Knut Haanaes’ TED talk:


“You probably wouldn’t worry about what other people think of you if you could know how seldom they do.”

Olin Miller


Mountains, Panorama, Forest, Mountain, Nature

Image: Pixabay (CC0 Creative Commons)

6 steps to setting up a meeting for success

It is very likely that sooner or later we will be required to organise a meeting in our professional careers. While it may seem like a fairly simple task, setting up a successful meeting means thinking about certain issues beforehand in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

It can be useful to clearly state where the meeting will take place, at what time, what the objectives are and therefore who must be present and who needn’t be. A very useful model to do this is the PALACE model.

Agree timing and objective uprfront
Communication styles
Efficient follow-up

To read more about each step of this model, be sure to check out the full article!

“How to conduct the perfect meeting for account managers”


What can we learn from horses?

What can we learn from horses?

The Diplo calendar 2019 realized by Stefano Baldi presents a selection of quotes for better living and better working.

All the quotes are about animals and their behaviours, their instincts and the complexity of their social dynamics.

Here is the selected quotation for the month of June

A horse gallops with his lungs,
Perseveres with his heart,
And wins with his character
Federico Tesio

What can we learn from horses by Federico Tesio


For more quotes from Diplocalendar

2019 Diplocalendar is all about animals and their behaviours, their instincts and the complexity of their social dynamics. It is an invitation to pay close attention to all that nature and its beings can teach us about life; sometimes we just have to take the time to notice and be
willing to be open to new perspectives. It is a reminder that important lessons can come from anything or anyone surrounding us, including our very own pets. This Yearly calendar has become a tradition appreciated by those who have received it in the past. This is a great motivation for me to try to find new interesting ideas, quotations and images to accompany you through the year.
And never forget to ….. Count your blessings!