Everybody knows somebody that even if always busy figures out how to tackle unforeseen events. These people are able to be more productive and to get their job done also with a jam-packed schedule. They rely on some basic rules aimed at limiting the daily habits and practices which reduce our productivity.
All these rules revolve around a key principle: if you want to start to be productive, you must start to refuse.
In this article, Lolly Daskal explains what enormously productive people usually refuse to do:
- Refuse to pursue perfection;
- Refuse to become distracted;
- Refuse to let negatively drag you down;
- Refuse to allow others to make your decisions;
- Refuse to allow past failures to drag you down;
- Refuse to give mental space to self-limiting beliefs;
- Refuse to believe what you want is impossible;
- Refuse to become overwhelmed;
- Refuse to stop learning, developing and growing.
To read the full article click here

Image source: Flickr – Matt Gibson (CC BY-NC 2.0)
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