10% of life is what happens to you, and 90% is how you deal with it. Dealing with disappointment at work is a prime example of how overcoming the obstacle can be more important than the obstacle itself.
Maybe you got passed over for the promotion you really wanted. Perhaps the project you’ve been working on for months suddenly got cancelled for flimsy reasons.
Some people handle tough emotions better than others. Professional disappointments are disappointments nonetheless, and coping with them appropriately is important for future professional success.
This article presents 5 useful tips to deal with professional disappointment and to avoid it to have any further negative consequence:
1. Be Honest: People will know you are disappointed, so be honest about it. Don’t divulge details you’re not comfortable sharing, but respond to appropriate questions with candor and grace.
2. Be Respectful: Bad news can come suddenly, and it is easy to lash out at the person delivering the message or at the person responsible for the bad news. Resist that temptation.
3. Get Over It in a Reasonable Amount of Time: Try to get over the disappointment quickly. Accept what you cannot change about the situation, cope with it, and move on with your life. Show you are resilient.
4. Don’t Make Rash Decisions: Do not let your compulsions dictate your behavior. In the moment, it may seem satisfying to undermine whatever or whoever is causing your disappointment or to throw your hands up and quit, but doing so would be incredibly short-sighted.
5. Decide What to Do Next: If you’re dealing with a game-changing disappointment, you need to decide what you’re going to do in the wake of it. Again, don’t make rash decisions.

Image Source: Pixabay
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