<<At times, in thinking of the future, we do well to ask ourselves, “Why I am doing this?”, “What is my real aim?”
For as time goes on, reflecting on the past, the questions will not be: “How many people endorsed me?”, “How many voted for me?”, “How many had a positive image of me?”
The real, and potentially painful, questions will be, “How much love did I put into my work?” “What did I do for the progress of our people?” “What mark did I leave on the life of society?” “What real bonds did I create?” “What positive forces did I unleash?” “How much social peace did I sow?” “What good did I achieve in the position that was entrusted to me?”>>
From: Encyclical letter “Fratelli tutti” of the Holy Father Francis on fraternity and social friendship

Image: Pixabay (CC0)
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