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Month: September 2022

Self-esteem and success

Self-esteem refers to the perception we have about our own worth and value. There are many ways to increase your self-esteem which is often related to success. The starting point for improving the consideration that you have of yourself is to get to be aware of  your strong points.

One of the posts of the blog Live your true story  indicates 7 easy exercises to boost our self-esteem:

  1. List 10 things the you love about yourself
  2. List 10 skills you possess
  3. List 5 achievements which you are proud of
  4. List 3 occasions where you have overcome adversity
  5. List 5 people who have helped you
  6. List 5 people whom you have helped
  7. List 50 things you appreciate about your life

Read the full post here


Image source: Pixabay