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Month: April 2023

Lessons for business leaders from ancient philosophers

Ancient philosophers can teach business leaders how to help employees live better and reach eudaimonia.

The article “What can business leaders learn from ancient Greek philosophers?” ( describes some techniques used by ancient philosophers which can help achieve the “good life”:

  • Dare to disagree (Socrates)
  • Let people seek fulfillment (Aristotle)
  • Be a good role model (Plutarch)
  • Build a resilient mid-set (Epictetus)
  • Keep track of your ethical progress (Rufus)
  • The art of happiness (Epicurus)

10 hints to write clearly (free ebook)

HC3010536Diplomats, like many other professionals, have to write many different types of documents. Whatever the type — legislation, a technical report, minutes, a press release or speech — a clear document will be more effective, and more easily and quickly understood.

The European Commission (Directorate-General for Translation) has published a few years ago a simple guide titled with many useful and practical hints (not rules) on “how to write clearly“.

Here are the 10 hints included in the publication:
1. Think before you write
2. Focus on the reader
3. Get your document into shape
4. KISS:Keep It Short and Simple
5. Make sense
6. Cut out excess nouns
7. Be concrete, not abstract
8. Prefer active verbs to passive
9. Beware of false friends, jargon and abbreviations
10. Revise and check

The guide is available in all 23 official languages of the European Union.
You can find the online version here  (choose the preferred language)

How many times you die?

The Diplo calendar 2023 realized by Stefano Baldi contains some quotes of well-known and less known Italian women and men of 19th and 20th century that can inspire us in our daily life.

Here is the selected quotation for the month of April:

He who is afraid dies every day, he whois not afraid dies only once

                           Paolo Borsellino (1940 – 1992)