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Smart power + Diplomacy = Smart Diplomacy?

During the last decade, Professor Joseph S. Nye introduced and developed the concept of Smart Power as a combination of coercive and soft power to achieve goals in international relations, arguing that neither soft nor hard power alone could produce effective foreign policy.

A few years later, under the Obama administration, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton popularized smart power and defined it as choosing the right combination of tools – diplomatic, economic, political, legal, and cultural – for a particular situation.

In this article, Younes El Ghazi advocates for the concept of Smart Diplomacy as the practice of smart power beyond traditional diplomacy, identifying as well the three critical pillars that could grant effectiveness to this new paradigm: Digital Capabilities, Multi-Stakeholder Diplomacy and Feminist Diplomacy.


Image source: Pixabay – geralt (Public domain)




Your Own Faults

Think of your own faults the first part of the night when you are awake, and the faults of others the latter part of the night when you are asleep –
Chinese Proverb


Image source: Pixabay (CC0)

The best move you can make in negotiation is to think of an incentive the other person hasn’t even thought of – and then meet it. Eli Broad


Image source: Pixabay – Geralt (Public Domain)

“People aren’t close or distant: they are a combination of the two”. Without even realizing it, we’re barricading ourselves against strangeness — people and ideas that don’t fit the patterns of who we already know, what we already like and where we’ve already been. In this TED Maria Bezaitis makes a call for technology to deliver us to what and who we need, even if it’s unfamiliar and strange. Actually in her opinion the digital era is changing the meaning of “stranger”; in fact, in the context of digital relations we are stil doing things with people we don’t know, with strangers. Hence, in the context of the broad range of digital relations safely seeking strangeness could be a new basis of innovation.


Click here to watch the TED


9 skills hard to learn that will pay you off forever

Fruitful skills at work can sometimes be hard to learn and practice.

Here’s some tips to boost your work every day.

1.Time Management: planning is the first step and needs discipline. To do list and scheduling will help you to focus.

2. Empathy: do you feel what people feel? That’s the key to foster the team spirit in your office.

3. Better sleep helps, as many medical studies confirm.

4. Positive self talk: it doesn’t matter what others think of you, but what you think of yourself certainly does. Are you confident enough with yourself?

5. Be consistent. To mantain a top position you have to work harder.

6. Ask for help: when you ask people for advice, you validate their intelligence or expertise, which makes you more likely to win them over.

7. Shut up, if needed, but also listen

8. Mind your business: it will take time, but will surely help the atmospher at work.

9. And finally master your thoughts, directing them to what you want to do and accomplish.

Read the full article: the 9 tips


Image source: FlickrRaul Pacheco-Vega (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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