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6 Ways to Bring Gratitude into the Workplace

A 2013 survey commissioned by the John Templeton Foundation stressed the importance of gratitude and its benefits in the workplace. Workers feel better when someone thanks them and their mood improves when they thank other workers. Despite this, workers are not very good at expressing gratitude to their colleagues.

A manager can make a real difference by modelling gratitude: according to the Templeton survey 81% of respondents would work harder for a more grateful boss. Here are some tips for how to make your workplace a thankful one:

1. ‘Catch’ your employees doing something right;

2. Be specific and authentic;

3. Recognise that your success as a manager is largely due to the hard work of your team;

4. Help your employees be the best they can by providing them with the training and tools they need;

5. Encourage gratitude sharing within your team;

6. Keep a gratitude journal.

Read more here.


Image source: Wikimedia Commons


9 Productivity Tips from People Who Write About Productivity

In recent years, work has become more complex due to technological innovation. Now, more than ever, we need strategies for being productive. Here are some advice given by 26 bestselling science and productivity writers for achieving top performance at work:

1. Own your time;

2. Recognize busyness as a lack of focus;

3. Challenge the myth of the “ideal worker”;

4. Intentionally leave important tasks incomplete;

5. Make a habit of stepping back;

6. Help others strategically;

7. Have a plan for saying no;

8. Make important behaviors measurable;

9. Do things today that make more time tomorrow.

Read more on Harvard Business Review


Image source:



4 Reasons Why You Should Leave Work On Time

According to The Australia Institute‘s recent research, when employees do not leave work on time, the number of negative impacts associated far outweighs the number of positive impacts. Current working arrangements negatively impact on a range of personal situations. Whether you’re an employee or a manager, the following four reasons should further convince you to leave work on time:

1. Increased mental health;
2. Greater Productivity;
3. Positive personal relationships;
4. Improved physical health.

Read more here.


Image source: Julliengordon


How to Make Stress Your Friend

Stress: a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation. Actually stress has been made into a public health enemy. In her Ted Talk, Health Psychologist Kelly McGonigal proposes a new approach to see stress as a positive thing, ‘because changing mind about stress is changing body’s response to stress’.

Satius est supervacua scire quam nihil.

It is better to know useless things than to know nothing.

(Seneca: Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium, Moral Letters to Lucilius, 88, 45)


Image source: GKC

Eight steps to happiness

Positive living is definitely an attitude, at least for some lucky people.

However, it can also be a conscious choice: with a strong commitment and the right awareness, anyone can make a concerted effort to redress the balance and start the path to happiness.

In this article, you can find eight steps to move in the right direction:
1. Find a happy place;
2. Indulge yourself in a hobby;
3. Exercise;
4. Find affirmations;
5. Exploring new things;
6. Do not walk away from a challenge;
7. Ignore the rules;
8. Visualise.


Source – Flickr – Muffin (CC BY 2.0)

The way to happiness

The Diplo calendar 2016 realized by Stefano Baldi and Ed Gelbstein presents a selection of quotes from the Classical World for living and working better.

For the month of February the selected quotation is by Epictetus, Greek speaking Stoic philosopher. To Epictetus, all external events are determined by fate, and are thus beyond our control; we should accept whatever happens calmly and dispassionately.

There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will

Calendar 2016 Festival_im_Page_05

Photo credit: J. E. Gómez Rodríguez – (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

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