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Category: Communication (Page 14 of 14)

Eight ways to open a speech

www.diplomacy.eduMr.MediaTraining (The blog of Brad Phillips) has published an interesting series of posts on “Eight ways to open a speech”. Here is the list:

One: The Startling Statistic
Two: The Anecdote
Three: Ask a Rhetorical Question
Four: Ask a “Show of Hands” Question
Five: Speak With Your Audience
Six: Build Off The Conference Theme
Seven: Mention Something In The News
Eight: Use Humor

If you want to know more and read the full article with many examples consult the series of posts on mrmediatraining blog

Diplomatic Reporting at the age of Wikileaks

Amb. Roberto Toscano, former Italian Ambassador in New Delhi and Teheran, and Lecturer at the Italian Diplomatic Institute, has been interviewed on some aspects of Diplomatic Reporting.

First Question is: “What can we learn in terms of diplomatic reporting from Wikileaks documents?”

Second Question is: New Technologies should be used to report more or to report in a different way?

Third Question is: “What diplomats should keep in mind when writing a report?”

Making speeches

A couple of famous and inspiring quotations concerning speeches:

“A speech is like a love affair, any fool can start one, but to end it requires considerable skill” (Lord Mancraft).

“Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening” (Dorothy Sarnoff).

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