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Category: Learning (Page 18 of 25)

To lead or not to lead?

There is a vast literature on successful leadership and the right skills to be a leader, but what makes a poor leader?

In an article by Bernard Marr on the World Economic Forum Blog, the author has identified the eight signs a person might not be ready for a leadership position:

  1. Lack of empathy;
  2. Fear of change;
  3. Too willing to compromise;
  4. Too bossy;
  5. Wishy – washy;
  6. Poor judge of character;
  7. Out of balance;
  8. Lack of humility.

Read the full article here.












Image source: Flickr – Riley and Amos (CC BY 2.0)

Tackling procrastination

In this video Dr. Barbara Oakley explains why “Procrastination can be a single
monumentally important keystone bad habit, a habit in other words that influences
many important areas of your life. If you improve your abilities in this area many other positive changes will gradually begin to unfold.”

The video has been realized for the course: “Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects” available on Coursera.

6 Things The Most Productive People Do Every Day

Ever feel like you’re just not getting enough done?

Below are six tips Tim Ferriss, author of the international bestseller The 4-Hour Workweek, offered:

1) Manage Your Mood
If you start the day calm it’s easy to get the right things done and focus.
Studies demonstrate happiness increases productivity and makes you more successful.

2) Don’t Check Email In The Morning
Research shows emails:
– Stresses you out.
– Can turn you into a jerk.
– Can be more addictive than alcohol and tobacco.
– And checking email frequently is the equivalent of dropping your IQ 10 points.

3) Before You Try To Do It Faster, Ask Whether It Should Be Done At All
Everyone asks, “Why is it so impossible to get everything done?” But the answer is stunningly easy: You’re doing too many things.

4) Focus Is Nothing More Than Eliminating Distractions
What’s the best way to sum up the research? How about this: Distractions make you stupid.

5) Have A Personal System

6) Define Your Goals The Night Before
Define your one or two most important to-dos before dinner, the day before.

Once you are more productive, you’ll have a lot more hours to fill.
So why not use them to make others and yourself happier?

For the article: Barking Up The Wrong Tree


Image Source: Flickr – To-do List, john.schultz

How to Make Your Presentations Better Without Opening Your Mouth

In this article, published on by Aj Agrawal, you can see how non-verbal communication is important. The autor also gives some hints to enhance your body language during a speech or a presentation.

  1. Tell your story with your eyes
  2. Get your hands involved
  3. Open up
  4. Smile as much as possible

Cisco says that body language and voice tone account for 63 percent of communication. What’s surprising is how few of us rehearse the way we will move on stage during presentations. So much time goes into developing our story and memorizing our lines. Many times, this allows us to deliver good presentations but not exceptional ones. Then, we’ll see someone on stage who absolutely dazzles us, whose amazing presence captivates the audience and sells his or her vision. While we believe many people are born with this talent, in truth a lot of it comes down to body language.

Read the full article


Barack Obama accepts the nomination


Image source: Flickr – Scottish Resilience Development Service – (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Defeat and Victory

Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.

Muhammad Ali




Image source: Pixabay by OpenClips

10 must-see movies

Movies can be an important source of inspiration and motivation.

In this article, John Rampton has selected 10 movies which can teach us some useful lessons for work as well as private life.

Among them:

– “The social network” which shows the importance of flexibility and resilience

– “Citizen Kane” by Orson Welles which stresses what is really important in life

– “The pursuit of happiness” which highlights that passion and sacrifice are parts of success

– “Jerry Maguire” which pushes us to believe in our dreams and follow them.



Image source: Pixabay by OpenClips

Things to do before bedtime

Every day is a new challenge.

To get the most of each working hour, Matthew Toren suggests that these 5 things to do before going to sleep will increase our productivity:

1 Take a look at the calendar

2 Get the gym bag ready

3 Turn off the phone

4 Write in your journal

5 Read a real book

Read the full article here.


Image source: Pixabay by Nemo

Work Smarter, Not Harder: 21 Time Management Tips to Hack Productivity

Many people try to increase their productivity. There are people who scurry from task to task, always checking e-mail, organizing something, making a call, running an errand, as they think that “staying busy” means you are working hard and you are going to be more successful.There are innumerable hacks and tricks to manage your time effectively.

These are some useful tips to manage your time:

  1. Complete most important tasks first
  2. Learn to say “no”
  3. Sleep at least 7-8 hours
  4. Devote your entire focus to the task at hand
  5. Get an early start
  6. Don’t allow unimportant details to drag you down
  7. Turn key tasks into habits
  8. Be conscientious of amount of TV/Internet/gaming time
  9. Delineate a time limit in which to complete task
  10. Leave a buffer-time between tasks
  11. Don’t think of the totality of your to-do list
  12. Exercise and eat healthily
  13. Do less
  14. Utilize weekends, just a little bit
  15. Create organizing systems
  16. Do something during waiting time
  17. Lock yourself in
  18. Commit to your plan to do something
  19. Batch related tasks together
  20. Find time for stillness
  21. Eliminate the non-essential.
  22. Enjoyment should always be the goal. Work can be play.

Read more: The creativity post


Image source: Pixabay by geralt



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