Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.
Image source: Pixabay gy geralt
Get your brain in motion
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.
Image source: Pixabay gy geralt
Movies can be an important source of inspiration and motivation.
In this article, John Rampton has selected 10 movies which can teach us some useful lessons for work as well as private life.
Among them:
– “The social network” which shows the importance of flexibility and resilience
– “Citizen Kane” by Orson Welles which stresses what is really important in life
– “The pursuit of happiness” which highlights that passion and sacrifice are parts of success
– “Jerry Maguire” which pushes us to believe in our dreams and follow them.
Image source: Pixabay by OpenClips
Every day is a new challenge.
To get the most of each working hour, Matthew Toren suggests that these 5 things to do before going to sleep will increase our productivity:
1 Take a look at the calendar
2 Get the gym bag ready
3 Turn off the phone
4 Write in your journal
5 Read a real book
Read the full article here.
Image source: Pixabay by Nemo
Motivation is everything. You can do the work of two people, but you can’t be two people. Instead, you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people.
Image source: Pixabay by geralt
When she was in high school, Lizzie Velazquez – a young woman affected by a syndrome which prevents her from gaining weight – was targeted by bullies for her outer appearance. They put on Youtube a video of Lizzie titled “World’s Ugliest Woman”.
Even if it was not easy, Lizzie managed to react positively and overcome this cruelty. Showing strength and determination she is progressively defining herself reaching her goals. She graduated, she is now a motivator and a writer.
In the TEDX linked below she affirms: “I am going to let my goals and my success and my accomplishments define me, not my outer appearance”.
In the video Lizzie gives us an important lesson on how positive attitude, clear vision and perseverance can help us reach success and react to obstacles in our lives.
Truly accepting dissent is one of the challenges of every human being.
Be it in the private sphere, in politics or in the workplace, the capacity to become enriched by other people’s opinions is crucial in anyone’s personal development.
This article reminds us that the weakness of many workplaces is precisely the fact that leaders rely too much on people who agree with them all the time. The simple truth of any hard choice is that if a decision is important and risky, it should be controversial.
In politics as well as in the workplace, real turning points are never smooth and include, indeed require, extensive and thorough debate. Even in the most heated discussions, one should remind himself of this elementary yet valuable truth.
Image source: Pixabay by geralt
Post by: davidebrad
A life without passion would be a dull wasteland of neutrality, cut off and isolated from the richness of life itself.
Daniel Goleman in “Emotional Intelligence”, p. 62
Image: Flickr – Denis Defreyne – (CC BY 2.0)
Jeff Haden has published an excellent list of “10 Things Holding You Back From Being Happy at Work“.
Here are the 10 Things to avoid:
1. Assuming your past dictates your future
2. Gossiping
3. Saying yes when you mean no
4. Interrupting
5. Being late
6. Resenting
7. Deciding you just don’t have the time
8. Fitting in
9. Ignoring your parents
10. Waiting
For more details read the full post on Inc
Image source: Flickr/donireewalker (CC BY 2.0)
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