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Category: Personal (Page 48 of 63)

What you should do on Friday afternoon

Jacquelyn Smith has published a post on Business insider about the 10 Things Successful People Do On Friday Afternoon.

Here is her list:
1. They reflect on their accomplishments from the week.
2. They figure out their priorities for the following week.
3. They establish a schedule and to-do list for the following week.
4. They carve out downtime for the following week.
5. They get organized.
6. They let people know how accessible they’ll be that weekend.
7. They think about their weekend plans.
8. They plan a fun Friday activity.
9. They acknowledge others’ accomplishments and hard work.
10. They say goodbye to people around the office.

To read the full article:

database plan

Image source: Flickr tec_estromberg(CC BY 2.0)


Why Perspective can change your life

What is the role of perspective in our lives? In his Tedx Talk Rory Sutherland says that circumstances may matter less than how we see them.

“Why, for example, are pensioners much happier than the young unemployed? Both of them, after all, are in exactly the same stage of life. You both have too much time on your hands and not much money. But pensioners are reportedly very, very happy, whereas the unemployed are extraordinarily unhappy and depressed. The reason, I think, is that the pensioners believe they’ve chosen to be pensioners, whereas the young unemployed feel it’s been thrust upon them.”

10 Small Things You Can Do Every Day to Get Smarter

Which of these 10 ideas can you fit into your daily routine?

  1. Be smarter about your online time.
  2. Write down what you learn.
  3. Make a ‘did’ list.
  4. Get out the Scrabble board.
  5. Have smart friends.
  6. Read a lot.
  7. Explain it to others.
  8. Do random new things.
  9. Learn a new language.
  10. Take some downtime.

From the article: 10 Small Things You Can Do Every Day to Get Smarter –


Image source: Flickr – Miguelangel Guedez -(CC BY-NC 2.0)


8 Ways To Spot Great Leadership

If you ever wonder why we’re in a crisis of leadership all you have to do is to watch and listen to those in positions of leadership. While there are clearly many aspects of leadership that must work together in harmony in order for leaders to be effective, everything breaks down when leaders don’t understand how to engage effectively.

Leadership is not a monologue, a speech, a lecture or a filibuster.
Leadership is not talking at or over people.
Leadership is not about the leader.

The best leaders are not interested in who is right, but what is right. They not only embrace dissenting opinions, but they seek them out at every opportunity. Real leaders are just as at ease when unlearning as they are when learning. And perhaps most importantly, they never pass up an opportunity discuss, converse, dialog, or debate. They know that their leadership is only as good as their ability to engage, listen, discern, and to act.

Following are eight ways to spot real leadership:

1-Not about the platform
2-The art of and not or
4-Not tone Deaf
5-Willing to take the hit
6-Understand Compromise
7-No paralysis

Read More: Mike Myatt on Forbes


Image source: Flickr – Photosteve101 – (CC BY 2.0)

How To Create A Mood In Public Speaking

How to create a mood with words. It’s not just about meaning. Or even body language.

A team of psychologists and phoneticists based in Germany has tested the effects that vowel sounds have on our moods. And it turns out that “I” sounds (“hi”) generate positive moods and “O” sounds (“oh-no”) generate negative ones. The implication is that you can create a positive mood by using a lot of the former sounds and a negative mood with a lot of the latter.

But the researchers kept going, and the further results are a bit more complicated. It turns out that the way we screw up our faces when we make “I” sounds or “O” sounds also creates the same positive and negative moods.

So whether or not you’re making any sound, your facial expressions help determine your moods, and your reaction to things. Of course, we think it’s the other way around, because we don’t like to imagine that our bodies are in charge of our thoughts, but that’s what the neuroscience shows.
The point is that you need to be sensitive to the sounds you’re making when you’re telling a story or relating some key points in your speech. Use I sounds if you want audiences to react positively, and O sounds if you want the reverse.

Read more: Forbes

Speaking (1)Image source: Wikimedia Commons

7 Ways You Can Easily Increase Your Willpower

Eric Barker from Time Online Magazine and from the blog Barking Up The Wrong Tree suggests 7 ways to increase your willpower and live a better life:

  1. “Keystone Habits” Are A Magic Bullet
  2. Do Important Things Early
  3. Improve Willpower By Not Using Willpower
  4. Use Willpower To Build Willpower
  5. Fundamentals: Eat And Sleep
  6. Procrastinating Can Improve Willpower
  7. You’re Going To Screw Up… and That’s Okay!

Read more on: 7 Ways You Can Easily Increase Your Willpower


Image source: Flickr – Pollobarba

Self irony: how to fight the Excess of Success

To become a successful individual has never been an easy task, and has always cost many sacrifices and endeavours to those who have undertaken the effort. That’s why those few who succeed in life, and have plenty of proofs of their success, are most of the time inclined to show it off to the rest of the world.

“Once you get at the top, you’ll stay at the top” they think, which is true most of the times. But even if being airy and full of it will never undermine a CV full of shiny stuff, it can cause irreparable harm to what other people think of you. Humbleness is not required to get to success and leadership, but since a successful leader needs to be loved – not just feared – by his team, humbleness is essential to keep being successful and get always more of it.

A practical and effective way for a smart guy to show people he understands the value of staying humble is self irony and understatement: it helps minimizing the person without undermining his role, thus showing to a team that the leader himself is able to grasp the difference between the two. It is also a cunning way to keep a team respecting Leadership without fearing the Leader.

Samuele Fazzi

1Image source: Flickr – Hull (CC BY 2.0)

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