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Category: Personal (Page 55 of 63)

The (honest) truth about dishonesty

Dan Ariely, Professor of Psychology and Behavioural Economics, examines the mechanisms at work behind dishonest behaviour, and the implications this has for all aspects of our social and political lives.

Ariely sets our behaviors in two opposing motivations: we would like to view ourselves as honest, value-driven people, but we would also like to make as much money as possible or achieve other goals to get us ahead in life. In order to reconcile these dueling aims, we employ what he calls “cognitive flexibility”: the ability to minimize the extent of our cheating in order to still view ourselves as wonderful human beings.

Watch Ariely’s animation on:

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Business Blogs

In the early days, the blogs (WEB LOG) were nothing but a form of a personal diary or journal available on the web. As the Internet evolved, so did the blog; making it a very powerful medium through which you could get your voice heard.

The book, Business Blog, freely downloadable at, describes why blogs are an important business tool and how blogs can add value to any business in terms of branding, credibility, achieving goals for the company, driving targeted traffic to generate inbound leads and getting conversions in a very cheap and effective

   Bookboon provides a collection of valuable free ebooks for professionals

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How to be Happy

In this TED talk, statistician Nic Marks, founder of the Centre for Well-Being at the UK think tank New Economics Foundation, paints a positive picture of the future where it could be possible to lead happier lives while preserving our planet, introducing the Happy Planet Index.

He also suggests five remarkable actions that each of us can do to improve wellbeing, based on research and studies:

–          Connect
–          Be Active
–          Take Notice
–          Keep Learning
–          Give

Could this be the recipe for happier (and more productive) nations without costing the Earth?

Tracking the trackers

Privacy shouldn’t be the price we accept just for surfing on the internet.

Gary Kovacs, in his Ted Talk, explains why it’s your right to know what data is being collected about you and how it affects your online life.

Ken Robinson: schools kill creativity

Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson, speaking for TED talks, makes an interesting case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

Creativity is, according to him, the process of having original ideas that have value and it is possible only if we are not afraid of being wrong!
Children are not afraid and for this all children are creative. But schools teach them not to make mistakes and so they begin to stigmatize mistakes…

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