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Your future-self

People like to weigh their next decisions in three contexts:

  1. Learning from the past
  2. what it will do to the present
  3. how will it benefit the future

It is wise to take all of these contexts into account: persistently planning ahead makes life so much easier in the long run.

Here are 5 useful tips to increase the success of your future-self:

4. Make a 10 year plan

5. Gain perspective

Image source: PixabayPexels

Hot To Make Stress Your Friend

Stress makes our heart pound, our breathing quicken and our forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for us if we believe that to be the case.

In this TED Talk, Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others.

5 Tips for Better Decision Making

Traditional economics does an excellent job explaining human decision-making in situations where people have all the facts and are thinking logically. Nevertheless, in our everyday lives, we often do not have complete information and decisions can have an emotional impact as well. Dealing with these uncertain and risky day-to-day decisions can often lead to bias, require emotional regulation, and may result in habit formation too.

This article provides 5 tips on how we can make better day-to-day decisions:

1) Rest or Sleep on It:  When you have to make a big and important decision, it may be best to do it when you are rested, focused, and motivated.

2) Take Your Time: Thinking clearly and logically takes time too. When we are in a rush, we jump to a quick conclusion that may be full of biases and hunches, rather than carefully thinking through the facts and information.

3) Gather The Facts: Beyond having the time and energy to think clearly, our decisions are only as good as the information we have about our choices and options. We can ponder a choice for hours, but if the information we mull over is very limited, or of poor quality, then all that effort and thought will be much less effective. Therefore, the more reliable facts and information we can gather and consider about a decision, the more we can reduce our uncertainty and make better choices.

4) Stay Open to All Possibilities: Sometimes, our quick thinking biases how we consider facts, information, and options along the path of decision-making—not just at the final decision. Particularly, we often automatically accept things as “true” before we carefully deliberate about them. Also, our reasoning about an issue may be motivated by a “directional bias”, leading us to selectively review only the information and facts that support what we already want to believe. Given that, we can often jump to conclusions, or be biased to confirm something that we want to believe, rather than honestly looking at what all of the information and facts are really telling us. Therefore, when making important decisions, it is helpful to stay open to all of the facts and possibilities (especially to the ones you don’t want or like).

5) Create Rules: We all get tired, unmotivated, rushed, stressed, and emotional at times. Beyond that, gathering every fact and carefully thinking through every decision is impossible—especially as we move through our day-to-day lives. That is why, when they are thinking clearly, more effective decision-makers often set up simple rules and formulas to make better choices—even when they are rushed at a later date. Even in situations where we might get caught up in biased and emotional thinking, we can often set up rules or formulas ahead of time to see us through.

Image source: PixabayQimono

10 Things Happy Leaders Do Differently

Joseph Lalonde, a leaders’ coach, explains there are 10 Things Happy Leaders Do Differently.

1. Exercise: Happy leaders know they need to take care of their bodies.

2.  Care: Happy leaders care for their team.

3. Relax: Happy leaders know they need to take a break here and there.

4. Share: Happy leaders know they can’t keep everything to themselves.

5. Eat: Happy leaders know they need to eat. Eating can be a catalyst in getting to know others.

6. Teach: Happy leaders are also teachers.

7. Help: Happy leaders are always looking for the next person they can help.

8. Quiet: Happy leaders realize quiet times are a godsend.

9. Pass: Happy leaders are willing to pass on ideas that don’t align with their vision.

10. Laugh: Happy leaders are fond of laughing.

Read more: 10 Things Happy Leaders Do Differently.

Image source: Pixabay (CC0)

10 skills hard to learn that will pay you off forever

Fruitful skills at work can sometimes be hard to learn and practice, but they will pay off.

Here’s some tips to boost your work every day.

  1. Time Management: planning is the first step and needs discipline. To do list and scheduling will help you to focus.
  2. Empathy: do you feel what people feel? That’s the key to foster the team spirit in your office.
  3. Better sleep helps, as many medical studies confirm.
  4. Positive self talk: it doesn’t matter what others think of you, but what you think of yourself certainly does. Are you confident enough with yourself?
  5. Be consistent. To mantain a top position you have to work harder.
  6. Ask for help: when you ask people for advice, you validate their intelligence or expertise, which makes you more likely to win them over.
  7. Shut up, if needed,
  8. But also listen.
  9. Mind your business: it will take time, but will surely help the atmospher at work.
  10. And finally master your thoughts, directing them to what you want to do and accomplish.

Read the full article by Rachel Gillett in Insider

Image source: Pixabay (C00)

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