All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.
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Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
<<At times, in thinking of the future, we do well to ask ourselves, “Why I am doing this?”, “What is my real aim?”
For as time goes on, reflecting on the past, the questions will not be: “How many people endorsed me?”, “How many voted for me?”, “How many had a positive image of me?”
The real, and potentially painful, questions will be, “How much love did I put into my work?” “What did I do for the progress of our people?” “What mark did I leave on the life of society?” “What real bonds did I create?” “What positive forces did I unleash?” “How much social peace did I sow?” “What good did I achieve in the position that was entrusted to me?”>>
From: Encyclical letter “Fratelli tutti” of the Holy Father Francis on fraternity and social friendship
Image: Pixabay (CC0)
Fruitful skills at work can sometimes be hard to learn and practice.
Here’s some tips to boost your work every day.
- Time Management: planning is the first step and needs discipline. To do list and scheduling will help you to focus.
- Empathy: do you feel what people feel? That’s the key to foster the team spirit in your office.
- Mastering your sleep: Better sleep helps, as many medical studies confirm.
- Positive self talk: it doesn’t matter what others think of you, but what you think of yourself certainly does. Are you confident enough with yourself?
- Consistency: to maintain a top position you have to work harder.
- Asking for help: when you ask people for advice, you validate their intelligence or expertise, which makes you more likely to win them over.
- Shut up, if needed, but also listen
- Listening: along with shutting up comes listening
- Mind your business: it will take time, but will surely help the atmosphere at work.
- And finally master your thoughts, directing them to what you want to do and accomplish.
Read the full article: the 10 tips
Image source: Flickr – Raul Pacheco-Vega (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
The Diplo calendar 2020 realized by Stefano Baldi presents a selection of quotes for better living and better working.
The selected quotes are by well-known as well as lesser known Italian men and women that can inspire us in our daily life.
Here is the selected quotation for the month of December
The most important victory
is the one which has to arrive
Web 2.0 applications and social media have provided new venues for businesses to inform, understand and connect with their customers. This free book provides a general understanding of using blogs, podcasts, live streaming, wikis, social buzz, social media, and more to enable businesses to rethink their approach and leverage new digital media’s advantages.
Theoretical concepts such as RSS feeds and practical examples such as constructing a WordPress blog are covered in detail. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, Pinterest, Klout, and others are examined from a business perspective.
Image source: Flickr – mkhmarketing (CC BY 2.0)
10% of life is what happens to you, and 90% is how you deal with it. Dealing with disappointment at work is a prime example of how overcoming the obstacle can be more important than the obstacle itself.
Maybe you got passed over for the promotion you really wanted. Perhaps the project you’ve been working on for months suddenly got cancelled for flimsy reasons.
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