Diplo Learning Corner

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10 Tips to Survive Going Back to Work After a Holiday

Going back to work after holidays can be very difficult. Most people get what is known as the post-holiday blues, while others suffer from anxiety at the thought of having to return to their work. It’s been scientifically proven that getting back into our routine can lead to sluggishness and demotivation.

To help you out, this article offers a list of 10 tips that can help you deal with the post-holiday blues:

1. Embrace the Blues: The first step to dealing with this rather grey mood is to embrace it. Understand that it’s okay to feel sad and accept that the first couple of days back in your daily routine will be difficult.

Image source: Pixabay

10 Websites to Learn Something New in 30 Minutes a Day

Learning something new is always an exciting endeavour to commence. The problem is that most of us get wrapped up in busy distractions throughout the day that we can never find the time to learn the new skill we want.

Instead of using our time to sit through long lectures and lengthy video courses, we can take advantage of all the websites that can help us learn something new in 30 minutes or less.

This article provides a list of 10 learning websites for different categories of subjects:

1. Lynda : Over 1,000 courses with a 10-day free trial to develop your skills in business, photoshop, software, and much more.

2. Skillshare: Ten dollars per month gets you access to on-demand courses taught by leading experts.

3. Hackaday: Tips to make your life better and more productive. Just 5 minutes a day is all you need to learn new life hacks to improve your lifestyle.

4. Codeacademy: Helps anyone build a website through an interactive learning method. Learn any programming language from HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby on Rails, and more.

5. 7-min: In just 7 minutes, this website will go through dozens of routines to get you in shape and ready for the day ahead.

6. Calm: Different types of meditation whit a teacher to guide you step-by-step through the process, even if it’s your first time trying meditation.

7. Highbrow: Bite-sized email courses delivered to your inbox every morning to learn everything from film history, marketing, business, and more.

8. Big Think: Learn from the world’s experts about scientific breakthroughs, revolutionary business concepts, and more in short, chunk-sized videos.

9. Khan Academy: Salman Khan breaks down complicated subjects into simplified concepts to help you understand them in minutes.

10. Rype: Unlimited 1-on-1 private language lessons with professional teachers around the world. Each lesson is just 30 minutes, allowing you to fit learning a language into your busy lifestyle.

Image Source: Pixabay

Build a Better Future

A massive generation of young people is about to inherit the world, and it’s the duty of everyone to give them a fighting chance for their futures, says UNICEF executive director Henrietta Fore.

In this TED talk, she explores the crises facing them and details an ambitious new global initiative, Generation Unlimited, which aims to ensure every young person is in school, training or employed by 2030.

10 Tips for Enjoying the Holidays

Holidays can cause us to feel happy, sad or ambivalent. The holidays can also cause stress.

No matter how you feel, the following tips from this article by Johns Hopkins University, can help you enjoy the holidays as much as possible:

  1. Reflect on what is important to you during the holidays.
  2. Make a plan as early as possible about what you will do during the holidays.
  3. Communicate clearly how others can assist or support you.
  4. Realize the holiday season is a marathon, not a sprint.
  5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  6. Manage your spending.
  7. Monitor alcohol and medications – individually and together.
  8. Manage your expectations for family gatherings.
  9. Think ahead about stories or observations from the past as a family that you’d like to share.
  10. Reflect on what went well this holiday season and improvements you would like to make for next year.

Image source: Pixabay

Do you know where are you going?

Cat: Where are you going?
Alice: Which way should I go?
Cat: That depends on where you are going.
Alice: I don’t know.
Cat: Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.

from Alice in Wonderland ― Lewis Carroll


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