Get your brain in motion

Tag: action

Motion and Action

The Diplo calendar 2015 realized by Stefano Baldi and Ed Gelbstein presents a selection of the wisdom accumulated by humanity over the centuries that has stood the test of time and remains as valid as ever. The hope is that it will inspire you and lead you to explore the thoughts of the people who in one way or another have changed human history for the better .

For the month of December the selected quotation is by Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) – One the founding fathers of the United States of America, a man whose talents ranged from politics to science, author and inventor (including the lightning rod and bifocal lenses).


Photo credit: BestofDanSilver  (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Vision and Action

The Diplo calendar 2015 realized by Stefano Baldi and Ed Gelbstein presents a selection of the wisdom accumulated by humanity over the centuries that has stood the test of time and remains as valid as ever. The hope is that it will inspire you and lead you to explore the thoughts of the people who in one way or another have changed human history for the better .

For the month of November the selected quotation is an ancient Japanese proverb.


Photo credit: Dushan Hanuska  (CC BY-SA 2.0)