Talent helps individuals and teams to reach their goals, but is it enough? What about a team where people act for their own purposes, without any common motivation? In one of his articles, Adam Fridman explains how to motivate a team in order to maximize the results it can achieve. In particular, here are seven tips to bring a good team to the next level.

  1. Respect everyone. Every member of the team is important, and great leaders make sure that everyone is appreciated for his contribution to the common results.
  2. Offer incentives. Rewards put value and energize progress, not only for individuals but for the whole team.
  3. Stay plugged in. Good managers stay current with their teams, even if they leave enough freedom and trust to stimulate creativity.
  4. Lead, don’t boss. People tend to follow a good example more than they obey to an order.
  5. Make work have value. Working hard is not enough, you must be sure the activity of any member is functional to the goals you give to the team.
  6. Be genuine. Leaders, as every team member, know who they are and remain leaders in every moment.
  7. Make goals clear and achievable. Team must know what it must produce, and must be confident it can achieve these results.

Read more here.


Image source : Scott Maxwell – Flickr (CC BY 2.0)