A good leader must be a persuasive motivator and a good story can be a powerful leadership tool.

Well told stories can be used by leaders to inspire and motivate their people. According to Annette Simmons, author of “Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins” there are six types of stories that can be used at work:

  1. “Who I am” Stories, to give a powerful insight into what really motivates you
  2. “Why I’m Here” Stories, to replace suspicion with trust
  3. “Teaching Stories”, to make a lesson clear
  4. “Vision Stories”, to stimulate action and raise morale
  5. “Values in Action” Stories, to define what certain values mean to you
  6. “I Know What You’re Thinking” Stories, to show respect for the other point  of view while convincing your listener that you’re right.

Whatever story you tell, just keep in mind the following tips:

  • Be authentic
  • Pay attention to your audience
  • Practice
  • Create an experience

To learn more: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/BusinessStoryTelling.htm


Image source: Infinityconcepts.net