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Tag: balance

In this really interesting TED talk, Knut Haanaes talks about the importance for both companies and individuals of striking the right balance between exploration and exploitation.

Exploration means being open to new things, adopting an innovative approach and always trying to renew oneself.

Exploitation means using the knowledge and know-how that we already possess to ameliorate ourselves, our products, our services.

Though exploitation may seem like a safer option, it only reduces risk in the short term. Though exploration may seem like the best option in the fast-paced world we are living in, veering too far off from certainty can lead to failure and loss.

Finding the right balance between these two attitudes is difficult because there are many traps that keep us where we are; two traps in particular can determine failure:

  • The perpetual search trap
  • The success trap

To learn more about these two traps and how to avoid them, listen to Knut Haanaes’ TED talk:


Balancing act

Finding the right balance between success and self-improvement is a game we all play in our lives to a certain extent. Some of us tend to veer more towards one or the other, but they are both goals we strive for.

What habits can help us be more successful?

What habits can help us work on self-improvement?

Many times, they won’t be compatible. Author Niklas Göke suggests that instead of looking for those habits that fulfill both goals, we should first focus on those habits that are hindering us.

  • Give Up Reducing Your Dimensions
  • Give Up The Imitation Game
  • Give Up Looking in Favour or Seeing
  • Give Up Living in Outcomes
  • Give Up All Happiness Outside Yourself
  • Give Up Waiting
  • Give Up the Make Pretend
  • Give Up Anything But Loving Yourself

Here is the full article:  What Habits Does Your Best Self Not Have?

Winning, Motivation, Succeed, Man

Image: Pixabay (CC0 Creative Commons)


Six Tips for better Work-Life Balance

Experts agree: the compounding stress from the never-ending workday is damaging. It can hurt relationships, health and overall happiness.

Here are some tips suggested by experts to help you find the balance that’s right for you:

1. Let go of perfectionism: the healthier option is to strive not for perfection, but for excellence.

2. Unplug: by not constantly reacting to the updates from work, you will develop a stronger habit of resilience.

3. Exercise and meditate: exercise, yoga or meditation are effective stress reducers. They pump feel-good endorphins through your body.


4. Limit time-wasting activities and people: identify what’s most important in your life and make sure it truly reflects your priorities. Then, draw firm boundaries so you can devote quality time to these high-priority people and activities.


5. Change the structure of your life: instead of trying to do it all, focus on activities you specialize in and value most. Delegate or outsource everything else.

6. Start small. Build from there: taking on too much too quickly is a recipe for failure, so start with small changes.

For more information read the full article.


Image source: Wikimedia – By KVDP, Shokunin, Aungkarns – Own work  (CC BY-SA 3.0)