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Tag: challenge

Professional Challenges in Modern Times

The dilemma of gratification at work: changing job or making changes?
Work wise, keeping up professional satisfaction can be very challenging in modern times. Perhaps, the problem is not the fact that our job is uninteresting, but it is our attitude towards it that makes it tedious.
The article written by Tiana Tucker suggests that we can make our job much more appealing by finding new challenging tasks.
Image source: Flickr – (CC BY 2.0)


Define yourself

When she was in high school, Lizzie Velazquez – a young woman affected by a syndrome which prevents her from gaining weight – was targeted by bullies for her outer appearance. They put on Youtube a video of Lizzie titled “World’s Ugliest Woman”.

Even if it was not easy, Lizzie managed to react positively and overcome this cruelty. Showing strength and determination she is progressively defining herself reaching her goals. She graduated, she is now a motivator and a writer.

In the TEDX linked below she affirms: “I am going to let my goals and my success and my accomplishments define me, not my outer appearance”.

In the video Lizzie gives us an important lesson on how positive attitude, clear vision and perseverance can help us reach success and react to obstacles in our lives.