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Tag: coaching

How to talk so others will listen

A post published on the Coaching Positive Performance blog stresses the importance of communication skills as a pivotal part of everyday life.

It highlights 7 essential communication skills which will improve the quality and effectiveness of our communication in order to deliver a clear and specific message to our audience:

  1. Be complete
  2. Be concise
  3. Be considerate
  4. Get your facts right
  5. Be clear
  6. Be courteous
  7. Keep it appropriate

The post also suggests to master communication skills with a simple but powerful guide to communicating with confidence.

Read more here.


Image: FlickrBritt Reints (CC BY 2.0)

Empowering Leaders To Coach

In his article “Empowering Leaders To Coach” Terry Klass states that leadership is essentially about cultivating the dreams of those around us. It is about helping individuals, creating a perfect path between them and providing the guidance and knowledge to set them free.

How leaders can empower themselves to coach and mentor others? What are some strategies and techniques to successful coaching? What does a culture of empowerment look like for everyone?

The ability to identify and understand another person’s feelings and challenges is the first step to empowering us to coach.

The second step in mentoring is asking how we can best support our coachee’s choices and challenges.

The third step in coaching others is remaining open-minded and non-judgmental- probably the most difficult of all.

Read the full article at:

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