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Tag: Credibility

10 timeless leadership principles

In their engaging book “The truth about leadership“, James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner take a fresh look at what it means to lead.
The book is based on thirty years of research and illustrates 10 timeless leadership principles:

1) Believe in yourself
2) You have credibility
3) Your values drive commitment
4) You have vision
5) You know you can’t do it alone
6) You give trust before you get trust
7) You welcome challenges
8) You either lead by example or you don’t lead at all
9) You are a great learner
10 You are motivated by love

Read the full article here


Image source: Pixabay – Jerzy Gorcky – CC0 Public Domain

The importance of Credibility

Diplocalendar 2012 explores in both a serious and lighthearted way, some elements of interpersonal relationships and management that can help in daily activities.
The subject for the month of March is Credibility.
“Regardless of our position in an organisation, credibility is fundamental to our effectiveness as professionals and as individuals. Without it there can be no trust; without trust, organisations become frozen in inactivity and negative feelings. Credibility is hard to build, but well worth it.