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Tag: energy

A World Without Oil

The future will be without oil.

In this engaging TED talk, Rob Hopkins, proposes a unique solution to this problem, the Transition response, where we prepare ourselves for life without oil and sacrifice our luxuries to build systems and communities that are completely independent of fossil fuels. 


Image source: FlickrImseong Kang (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Quality time matters!

This may sound fluffy but it’s an important perspective to take: 10 hours of work when you’re exhausted, cranky and distracted might be far less productive than 3 hours when you’re “in the zone.”

Eric Barker on Times Online Magazine explains that “Energy, not time, is the fundamental currency of high performance”.
So, if you want to work like an athlete, here are things to take into consideration:
#1  Get enough sleep: Nobody is at their best when exhausted;
#2  Know your prime hours and use them strategically;
#3  Time meals and snacks to make sure you have the energy to do solid work and you’re not hungry or sluggish when you need to perform;
#4  Strategically use rituals that keep you positive and energized;
#5  Schedule evening and weekend activities that recharge you.

No doubt, time management skills are necessary. But just as with your relationships, “quality time” matters!

Read more on: Time Management Skills Are Stupid. Here’s What Works.

time managementPresident Lyndon B. Johnson, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in Cabinet Room meeting
Image source: Wikimedia Commons