The Diplomatic Courier in 2011 launched the “Top 99 Under 33 Foreign Policy Leaders,” a project that captures the impact of 99 leaders under the age of 33. The selection committee makes its evaluation on the basis of the following leader archetypes:

  • Catalyst is from a field not typically associated with foreign policy who has had an impact on international affairs.
  • Convener brings people together in creative ways to address a pressing international issue or enhance the foreign policy community.
  • An Influencer mobilizes people in the foreign policy community with bold new ideas.
  • An Innovator designs a new solution to a critical global challenge.
  • Practitioner changes foreign policy from the inside through extraordinary professionalism and skill.
  • Risk-taker takes a chance and sees it pay off.
  • Shaper changes the public discourse on an aspect of foreign policy or raises awareness on a critical issue.

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