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Tag: Geoffrey James

Thoughts That Can Super-Motivate You

The true difference between success and failure is your ability to get and keep yourself motivated:

  • Motivation means choosing to do what you’d rather not do.
  • The most depressing and de-motivating sentences in the world usually begin with the phrase “Someday, I’ll…”
  • Don’t set goals that just excite you; set goals that scare you a little bit. That way they’ll strengthen your “motivation muscle.”
  • What holds people back is fear of failure, but if you don’t take action, you’ll fail by default, so what have you got to lose?
  • You can have whatever you want in life, but nobody is going to give it to you.  Everything of value must be earned.

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9 Daily habits that will make you happier

Happiness is the only true measure of personal success.

Therefore, Geoffrey James, writer of the “Sales Source” column on, provides us nine small changes that we can make to our daily routine that will immediately increase the amount of happiness in our life.

  1. Start each day with expectation;
  2. Take time to plan and prioritize;
  3. Give a gift to everyone you meet;
  4. Deflect partisan conversations;
  5. Assume people have good intentions;
  6. Eat high quality food slowly;
  7. Let go of your results;
  8. Turn off “background” TV;
  9. End each day with gratitude.

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