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Tag: intelligence

Why Attitude Is More Important Than Intelligence

It’s easy to think that people blessed with brains are inevitably going to leave the rest of us in the dust. However, the latest studies from Stanford University, summarised in this article, show that your attitude is a better predictor of your success than your IQ.

In particular, people’s core attitudes fall into one of two categories: a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. Those with a growth mindset believe that they can improve with effort. They outperform those with a fixed mindset, even when they have a lower IQ, because they embrace challenges, treating them as opportunities to learn something new.

There are some strategies that will fine-tune your mindset and help you make certain it’s as growth oriented as possible:

  1. Don’t stay helpless
  2. Be passionate
  3. Take action
  4. Go the extra mile (or two)
  5. Expect results
  6. Be flexible
  7. Don’t complain when things don’t go your way

Image source: EffortJM Fumeau (CC BY-ND 2.0) 

10 Amazing Intelligences

We often refer to intelligence as a one single concept. The picture can be far more articulated than we think.

In one of his most acclaimed books, “Head First – 10 ways to tap into your natural genius“, Tony Buzan describes 10 different Intelligences that he divides into three major categories:

a) The creative and Emotional intelligences:

1. Creative intelligence (Create Yourself)
2. Personal Intelligence (You and You)
3. Social Intelligence (You and them)
4. Spiritual Intelligence (Heaven knows!)

b) The Bodily Intelligences

5. Physical Intelligence (Body Talk)
6. Sensual Intelligence (Making sense of your senses)
7. Sexual Intelligence (Intelligent sex)

c) The Traditional IQ Intelligences

8. Numerical Intelligence (Count on Yourself)
9. Spatial Intelligence (Mind the Gap)
10. Verbal Intelligence (The power of words)

If you want to know more about each one read the book!
