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Tag: Italy

Life without music

The Diplo calendar 2021 realized by Stefano Baldi reveals some lesser known places in Italy and presents a selection of quotes referred to the role music in our everyday life.

Here is the selected quotation for the month of June:

Without music, life would be a blank to me

Jane Austen


Image source: Comune di Città della Pieve – Marco Possieri


Music and silence

The Diplo calendar 2021 realized by Stefano Baldi reveals some lesser known places in Italy and presents a selection of quotes referred to the role music in our everyday life.

Here is the selected quotation for the month of February:

The music is not in the notes but in the silence between

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Music in life

The Diplo calendar 2021 realized by Stefano Baldi reveals some lesser known places in Italy and presents a selection of quotes referred to the role music in our everyday life.

Here is the selected quotation for the month of January:

Without music, life would be a mistake

Friedrich Nietzsche


Count your blessings and happiness will come

If you’re happy and you know it… you also know how to count your blessings. Noticing what you have – and learning to appreciate it – is the first step towards being happy, says Stefano Baldi, the Italian Ambassador to Bulgaria, in this TED talk.

And luckily, you don’t HAVE to have Italian food or clothes to be happy. Though it certainly won’t hurt.


Image source: FlickrRiccardo Nobile (CC BY-ND 2.0)