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Tag: motivation (Page 2 of 3)

Re-awaken the giant within

“Global beliefs are the giant beliefs we have about everything in our lives: beliefs about our identities, people, work, time, money, and life itself, for that matter. These giant generalizations are often phrased as is/am/are: “Life is . . .” “I am . . .” “People are …”

As you can imagine, beliefs of this size and scope can shape and color every aspect of our lives. The good news about this is that making one change in a limiting global belief you currently hold can change virtually every aspect of your life in a moment! Remember: Once accepted, our beliefs become unquestioned commands to our nervous systems, and they have the power to expand or destroy the possibilities of our present and future.
If we want to direct our lives, then, we must take conscious control over our beliefs. And in order to do that, we first need to understand what they really are and how they are formed.”

“Re-awaken the giant within” by Anthony Robbins

You can donwload for free the book of Anthony Robbins here
Re-awaken the giant within

How to survive your day at work

An article by The Guardian includes 10 tips on how to keep healthy at work by exercising and taking breaks:

1. Stand up: stand up frequently and do the same exercise you would on a long distance flight.

2. Get some fresh air: get out of the building and take a walk around the block.

3. Take the stairs, not the lift: great way to exercise!

4. Look away now: look away from the screen and at the furthest place you can see.

5. Turn your devices off in the evening and overnight: don’t give up your resting time!

6. Go to sleep: get enough sleep and nap if possible.

7. Take time for your lunch: no sandwiches at the desk!

8. Drink water:  keep hydrated.

9. Cut down on caffeine: coffee is dehydrating and it can affect how we sleep.

10. Do tasks for other people: altruism makes you feel better.


Image source:


Motivate Your Team

Talent helps individuals and teams to reach their goals, but is it enough? What about a team where people act for their own purposes, without any common motivation? In one of his articles, Adam Fridman explains how to motivate a team in order to maximize the results it can achieve. In particular, here are seven tips to bring a good team to the next level.

  1. Respect everyone. Every member of the team is important, and great leaders make sure that everyone is appreciated for his contribution to the common results.
  2. Offer incentives. Rewards put value and energize progress, not only for individuals but for the whole team.
  3. Stay plugged in. Good managers stay current with their teams, even if they leave enough freedom and trust to stimulate creativity.
  4. Lead, don’t boss. People tend to follow a good example more than they obey to an order.
  5. Make work have value. Working hard is not enough, you must be sure the activity of any member is functional to the goals you give to the team.
  6. Be genuine. Leaders, as every team member, know who they are and remain leaders in every moment.
  7. Make goals clear and achievable. Team must know what it must produce, and must be confident it can achieve these results.

Read more here.


Image source : Scott Maxwell – Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

Personal Confidence & Motivation

Do you have the self belief and confidence to make a difference? Do you “just know” that you’ll succeed no matter what? Do you know what motivates and gets you going? And do you know how to tap into the motivations of other people?

In Personal Confidence & Motivation written by Sean McPheat (Founder and Managing Director of management development specialists, MTD Training) you’ll find the answers to all of these questions and much more besides. You’ll understand how to build your own confidence levels and how to generate confidence in an instant. You’ll then move to the topic of motivation and you’ll be able to really understand this area of personal development.


Image Source: Flickr – Run On Beat by Run on Beat

We often spend years and years, day after day in job we don’t really love. Or we struggle trying to find out which job we would really love.

Scott Dinsmore shares what he learned from his personal experience in this deceptively simple TED talk about finding out what really matters to you — and then getting started doing it.

The first step? Understand yourself!


10 must-see movies

Movies can be an important source of inspiration and motivation.

In this article, John Rampton has selected 10 movies which can teach us some useful lessons for work as well as private life.

Among them:

– “The social network” which shows the importance of flexibility and resilience

– “Citizen Kane” by Orson Welles which stresses what is really important in life

– “The pursuit of happiness” which highlights that passion and sacrifice are parts of success

– “Jerry Maguire” which pushes us to believe in our dreams and follow them.



Image source: Pixabay by OpenClips

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